About Agrodana

PT. Agrodana Futures is a futures broker company, based in Indonesia, specializing in Foreign Exchange, Commodities and Asian & World Stock Market Indices. Established in May 2000. PT. Agrodana Futures are headquartered in Jakarta with other offices in Surabaya and Bandung. PT. Agrodana Futures are regulated by Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi (BAPPEBTI) with license number 40/BAPPEBTI/SI/XII/2000.

About Agrodana
Our Offices
Promo Insentif US Single Stocks
Risk Disclosures

Segregated Accounts

Currently we have segregated bank accounts at BCA, Bank Mandiri, Bank CIMB Niaga, China Construction Bank Indonesia and Bank Capital.

Segregated Accounts
Withdrawal 1 JAM Saja